Saturday, January 12, 2013

Memories and Thanks Blog Hop

On Lori Anderson's Blog (Lori of Bead Soup Blog Party) we were asked to make something for someone living or passed. You can find all of the details here, as well as the list of other participants..

I decided to do a piece for my Dad. He died a little over 14 years ago and I still miss him a lot. Here's the necklace I made.

As you can see, it's an illusion style necklace - I've written here about how fond Dad was of doing magic an it seemed appropriate. I think of magic as being all whites and silvers so that is the colour palette I chose. 

Dad was also the one who introduced me to science fiction in all of its many forms. We loved to watch Star Trek together, so when I saw this swarovski piece I had to include it. I know it's supposed to be a piece of coral, but I think it looks like a communicator pin!
And for those of you paying close attention there is a single red bead in the upper right of the first picture. This is for unexpected surprises and warmth of character.

The first winter after I was married we were dirt poor and just barely putting food on the table. Dad showed up at our door one night with a present for me - a brand new winter coat in my favourite colour - red.  Now it has been 22 years  so I don't still have the coat, but that memory has kept me warm through many a cold night. He saw a need and quietly filled it.

That was my Dad.  Love you, Daddy.


  1. A lovely and very appropriate necklace. I'm sure your dad would have been proud to have been honoured this way.

  2. Your dad sounds a lot like mine...even down Star Trek as a favorite show! What a beautiful tribute to the many memories you have of the time you shared

  3. That's a wonderful story, and a wonderful tribute. I remember watching Star Trek with my dad too :-)

  4. My Dad used to watch Star Trek with me too and gave me a great appetite for reading. Thank you for sharing the story behind your design choices.

  5. Thanx for sharing your story with us. The necklace that you made seems to fit your description of your Dad very well.

  6. Thank you for sharing such a sweet story of your dad! I love your necklace and the coat story!!

  7. Mom's hover, guard, and watch over all that we do, but it is the things that Dad's do with and for us, that shape who we become. Beautiful tribute!

  8. Beautiful tribute to your dad - it's those unexpected surprises that we remember most about our dads.

  9. Yeah Dad's are like that. Such a lovely necklace.
    Thanks for sharing.


  10. A beautiful necklace to honor the memory of your irreplaceable dad. I hope you are enjoying the hop.
    Terri G.

  11. What an amazing tribute to your dad! I love the symbolism in your beautiful necklace...he would be so proud of you!

  12. Miss Erin, that is a wonderful reminder of the love that your dad had for you. That story about the coat just choked me up. I really like your necklace and know that when you wear it your memories of your dad will not be far. Thank you for sharing your story. Enjoy the day. Erin

  13. I like your story, and the elegant piece you created.

  14. A beautiful tribute to your dad....the "Star Trek" piece is great! And what a lovely memory about your red coat. Thanks for sharing.

  15. What a lovely story and a very meaningful necklace.

  16. whites and silvers - smoke and mirrors - I totally see it. What a beautiful way to honour a clearly caring and special man

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